
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harmful side-effects Hit Kids put on Wrong Drugs

From the New Zealand Herald, I read this disturbing article today:

Doctors are unnecessarily prescribing children powerful antipsychotic drugs which can lead to drowsiness, depression, tooth decay and weight gain.

The findings were part of a national study investigating the safety and use of a relatively new class of antipsychotic drug on the under-16s.

More than 90 per cent of prescriptions for the 420 children involved in the study were for risperidone, which is sold under the trade names Risperdal and Ridal. It has been a government subsidised medicine since 1998, with about 600 children being prescribed the drug.

The study by the Intensive Medicines Monitoring Programme found harmful side-effects in 30 per cent of the children on the drugs classed as "atypical antipsychotics". A third of these were linked to the drugs, say the researchers.

Co-author Mira Harrison-Woolrych said this was the first study in the world to paint a comprehensive, real-life picture of how the increasingly-prescribed second-generation antipsychotics are being used in children.

"Weight gain, tooth decay and sleepiness were the most common adverse events we found," said Dr Harrison-Woolrych, who directs the monitoring programme based at Otago University.

The finding of higher levels of tooth decay was unexpected, as were symptoms of depression in four children - a previously unidentified adverse reaction of risperidone.

"The children that developed the symptoms of depression didn't have depression to start with ... We were very cautious and only coded those events where the psychiatrist or the doctor had definitely said the child had developed symptoms of depression." There were also seven other children whose symptoms, while not definitive, suggested depression.

Dr Harrison-Woolrych said with these children, there were often other factors involved.

"We're not saying that we've definitely shown that risperidone causes depression in children, what we're saying was this was an unexpected finding. We think it needs further work and we think that clinicians, doctors and carers of children should just be aware that this is a potential finding."

As well as gathering data on adverse reactions, the researchers also investigated the children's diagnoses and the symptoms being targeted by the drugs. They found conduct disorders and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder to be among the most common diagnoses, followed by autism, Asperger's syndrome and other developmental disorders.

Child psychiatrist and co-author Dr Juan Garcia-Quiroga said aggression and difficult behaviours were found to be the most common target symptoms.

The use of risperidone in these instances was appropriate.

But the study also found doctors prescribing the drug for anxiety and personal developmental disorders as well as sleeping disorders - conditions which were outside the terms of the product licence at the time of the study.

Dr David Menkes, associate professor of psychiatry at Auckland University's Waikato clinical school, said some of the cases where the drug was prescribed was "worrisome".

"Every case has to be judged on its merits, but to be using a powerful antipsychotic drug for insomnia, for example, I think it likely to be questionable."

The UK's health medicines regulatory body had already shown interest in the findings, said Dr Harrison-Woolrych.

"While prescriptions of these medicines in children and adolescents have increased vastly worldwide, there has been a lack of good evidence about their long-term safety."

The findings appear in the latest edition of international journal Drug Safety.

By Errol Kiong

Friday, July 13, 2007

My Newest Book, Fire and Ice going to Press!

The final proof is on it's way back to the publisher and we're going to press within a few weeks! Whew! It's been a long time coming and it's all good.

The boys went back to school two days ago - after a 6 week break - and I've been working like a mad person to catch up after such a long break from being hard at it.

My website, is almost ready... another long time coming ordeal and it's all good, too. I'm SO excited to finally be on the final stretch, so to speak. The site will offer all kinds of wonderful tips about Asperger's Syndrome and all kinds of great information about penguins, too.

Why penguins,you ask?
My new book, Fire and Ice stars a very small emperor penguin named Pasqual. I originally wrote the book to teach my son with Asperger's Syndrome what to do in the event of a fire. I knew that a small penguin could reach him in a way that I could never hope to. Besides, I really LOVE penguins... who could help?

This love of penguins turned into a program that I've been giving to children so much that I'm now called, "The Penguin Lady." he he.

Supporting literacy begins with Knowledge.

When EVERYONE reads EVERYONE succeeds!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Artos, Autism and Asperger's Syndrome

YIPPEE! My new business site, ARTOS Press, is almost ready to launch! For over a month I have been plagued with "issues," however and it sure feels like it's been a long time coming! After my home computer crashed and my web designer deleted my business site I've had no choice but to start over with everything. *That'll teach me to keep back ups of EVERYTHING!

I began to search for a new web designer and received all kinds of quotes. One was *free* - all I'd have to do is learn HTML and design it myself... right. This company actually sent me the HTML tutorials. Honestly, it was like trying to learn how to fly... in Chinese!

At the other end of the spectrum another company wanted to charge me $2600 to design my new site. Knowing that I wasn't willing to pay that amount either, I concentrated on re-designing the marketing materials. I hired a wonderful lady from my writers group, CIPA (Colorado Independent Publishers Association) that I've known for several years and she created pure magic! She has been editing and designing for years and I really liked the things I'd seen that she'd done. So far the marketing materials have almost all been redesigned (better than they ever were before!)

I continued to search for the "right" web designer and just yesterday I found her! The very same person in charge of fixing host problems with my web site just happens to be the top designer. It was an answer to prayers when I called Christian Web yesterday.

After adding my new email address and URL to my POP3 and SMTP options suddenly neither email address would work. I spent the better part of 4 days trying to 'fix everything' and was about to go crazy... My mother and neice were here for 10 days recently, in-laws are here visiting for two weeks, both of my boys have had 'last day of school' programs and my youngest just graduated from kindergarten. I volunteer to assist with both boys classes and had three programs in the last two weeks. Plus, I coach their baseball team... I really didn't have time to add in anything else - especially something that was as time-consuming as a computer problem!

First I called Microsoft because an error message kept popping up, saying that a 'server error' was preventing my system from connecting. The gal there really tried to help me but, after two hours, she told me to contact Comcast.

The gentleman at Comcast reverted all of my settings back to some original level from several years ago and I lost ALL emails for two full days! My computer refused to accept my login and my password and I couldn't access anything! *Just after making business contacts following a speech I gave...

In pure desperation I contacted my web host and within FIVE minutes she had not only figured out the problem but she also walked me through how to not have it happen again! My search for a web designer ended right after she explained that she was the "primary web designer for Christian Web Host." We talked about the design and options I had been looking for.

So, while it feels like I have spent a tremendous amount of time trying to make it happen all on my own I am now thrilled and excited to say that the light is clear at the end of the tunnel! Since I already have most of the text and marketing materials for the site ready it will be much simpler and quicker for the designer to do what she does to make it all work. She provided several sites that she had designed for me to get ideas from. Her favorite site, is really great and I was able to come up with what I want based on it.

It's a wonderful feeling to have clear goals and to just 'know that you know' you're working with the right person. I've worked really hard to get this far and I'll continue to work really hard to make a difference. I'm just thankful that the right team is all coming together!

Oh, by the way, I changed from Bound By Faith because I wanted to cover not only my books and writing programs for children, but also to include my informational outreach in the Autism arena. It seems that I'm doing more Asperger's Syndrome programs these last few months than writing programs for children.

I partnered with Tate Publishing in December of 2006. The first book they are publishing, Fire and Ice, is going to press at the end of this month. This book was originally written to teach my boys what to do in the event of a fire. With my writing programs for children, I instruct children to write additional books for this series! Working with a publisher is vastly different from self-publishing and everyone I've worked with at Tate has been been wonderful to work with!

Also, I have almost finished writing my third book, In Search of a Better Truth, Understanding and Overcoming Asperger's Syndrome. This book details the journey we've been on since my son began to demonstrate unusual characteristics as a toddler. He is now almost eight-years-old now and doing wonderfully. Asperger's Syndrome is a mis-understood illness. In my book I will offer hope, understanding and methods that worked for us. I am providing therapies, games, recipes and truths: theirs and mine.

Everything I am doing is to inspire others. I am driven to inspire children with my children's books and programs and I aim to inspire adults with my speaking and upcoming book. I needed a new company name that covered it all.

ARTOS originally stood for Andy, (my husband), Rhonda, Tanner, Oliver (my boys) and Suki (the cat). A friend discovered that Artos in the Greek language once referred to any sort of leavened bread, but in Modern Greek now only refers to bread used in church. WOW, I'm still Bound By Faith... just in Greek now. he he.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Health Scare and New Focus

Several months ago I began to suffer from extreme afternoon fatigue, yet unable to sleep at night. I noticed that I was experiencing "brain fog" a lot, also. Next came extreme pain in my feet, then my hands and finally my legs... waking me up in the night like "Charlie Horses." What could these "symptoms" mean - if anything?

These symptoms progressed to the point that I finally went into my homeopathic doctor last month. She immediately requested blood tests. Unfortunately these tests came back indicating that my liver was actually attacking itself! My AST and ALT levels were at 71 and 92. Normal levels are 40. The doctor suspected Autoimmune Hepatitis and said I'd need a liver biopsy to determine "what to do next." "Yikes!" I thought, "what on earth could cause this?"

As it turns out, almost 5 years ago when my husband and I were in Maui I brought back some kind of virus that attacked my immune system and kept me sick for 14 months! After being healed from that I guess I pretty much took my health for granted.

Yes, I eat right and generally limit most things known to be "unhealthy"... alcohol, caffeine, and fatty foods. I cook almost everything from scratch and actually love salads and foods known to be "good for you." So what could have happened?

We're not 100% sure but the doctor seems to think that sushi (1st and only time I've ever eaten it!) could have caused my autoimmune system to mis-function. Most likely something I ate in Maui caused the first serious illness. We may never know what caused my immune system to ever-react, either time. That's the bad news.

The good news is this: I've almost completely eliminated alcohol, caffeine and fatty foods from my diet. *I have never been a big drinker but it had become a habit to have a glass of red wine at night to "relax." Now I relax with green tea! I'm also drinking green tea instead of coffee durint the day. I have allowed myself 1 8 oz. cup of coffee a few times but NO MORE 3 or 4 12 oz. cups a day! And, I'm cooking with olive oil more and lard-type oils less. I grew up using bacon grease for "everything" so that's a real healthy switch. I've never been overweight or made a habit of stepping on the scale but I've actually noticed (in less than a month) that I have an overall healthier look and feel. *A few more contributing factors below:

I'm making my own kefir* and muesli** and doing this wonderful 1-minute brain boosting yoga*** every morning. I feel WONDERFUL! And - my blood tests, after less than one month: my AST and ALT levels were down to 45 and 75! NO need to have a biopsy and my liver is on the mend!

*Kefir - a very healthy, very yummy fermented milk drink. This tastes like liquid yoghurt. (also fermented) Don't let the word fermented scare you away from trying something really good for you. I bought a starter packet at Vitamin Cottage and saved back about 1/2 cup from the 1st quart to use as my own "starter" and now I make a new batch about every other day. I add fresh or frozen fruits and ground flax and nuts for a healthy start to the day. Today I used my hand blender to blend up one nectarine, one banana and about a tablespoon of ground nuts with 1 1/2 cups kefir. I thought it was wonderful and I was full of energy for hours!

**Muesli - a very healthy, very yummy cereal. I've come up with this recipe:

2 cups rolled oats
1 cup rice bran
2 cups triticale flakes (or substitute wheat, rice or bran flakes)
3/4 cup unprocessed wheat bran
1 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp slivered almonds
3/4 cup shredded or flaked coconut
2 tbsp honey
150 ml fresh orange juice
1/2 cup apricots, chopped finely
1/2 cup golden raisins
1 cup dried fruit, chopped finely (apples, pears, craisins, mangos, bananas, prunes, etc.)

• Combine all dry ingredients (except dried fruit).
• Blend honey and juice (warm gently in microwave), pour over dry ingredients, mix well.
• Place mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper, bake at 150°C for 25-30 minutes or until golden, stirring occasionally. Cool.
• Combine dried fruit with toasted ingredients.
• Store in an airtight container.

***Brain Boosting Yoga: here's the link to start doing it yourself!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

When Children Create New Games

Last night most of the neighbor kids were at our house playing with the boys. A total of 11 children were painting with wet sidewalk chalk and drawing really incredible pictures.

Tanner, ever inventive, decided to create a new game by chasing the children with a flyswatter... no, not my idea of a perfect toy but it was better than his first choice - a baseball bat.

Every time he would touch another child's back or legs with the flyswatter they were 'frozen' until another child came to rescue them. The rescued child then had to draw a picture before he or she could play again.

They must have played this fun and creative game for over an hour! And, in the meantime, I was able to completely weed two flower gardens while watching them play!

Sometimes it pays to just let them come up with the games, the game rules and sit back to watch and learn. It was a magical day.

Monday, May 07, 2007

To eBook or Not to eBook

My son wrote his first book when he was 5, another at 6 and now his third is almost done at 7. Each is a really good book with a really good message that I've wanted to share with people (especially children) out there.

Printing costs are astronomical, from first hand experience with my first book, and not really an option at the moment.

So I've been looking into eBook production for several reasons: Cost (virtually none), Time involvement (very little) and Convenience (terrific)!

My new web site will be complete by the end of the month and many new and wonderful things are developing - so, why not eBooks, too?

From what I've read it's not that difficult to learn so I'm preparing myself for another learning curve - one that should be "easy" if I follow the current advice. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.

I found a great tutorial that walks you through creating eBooks at no cost. Check it out here:

Happy writing,

Friday, April 27, 2007

Asperger's Syndrome and the Beach

We just returned from a vacation in Padre Island. Two weeks on the beach and I need a vacation from my vacation! It was truly wonderful and like a dream to wake up to 70 degree weather and sand beneath your feet as soon as you step outside... sigh.

Another wonderful aspect of our trip was my speaking engagement in Dimmitt, TX. I spoke to a group of delightful educators and retired educators about Asperger's Syndrome. Originally I was asked to "speak only for about 1/2 hour" because some were elderly, etc. Although I went prepared to do so my talk went on for nearly 1 1/2 hours due to the numerous questions with this highly interactive group. It was one of the most enjoyable talks I've ever given and I enthusiastically agreed to "come again!"

With my web site now being redone to include updated information on my Asperger's presentations and both of my upcoming books I am busier than ever!

Stay tuned to and please continue to send your comments and questions.